Embody the Light – Guided Healing Meditation

GUIDED HEALING WITH KARI SAMUELS JOIN MY NEWSLETTER AND RECEIVE THIS FREE GUIDED HEALING Heal Your Fear! Free Guided Healing Meditation Bring more light into your life & the world! In this FREE guided healing you will: Release your fears & feel lighter Learn to let go of energy from other people and your environment […]

Intuition Answers – Ask Your Body

JOIN MY NEWSLETTER AND RECEIVE THIS FREE GUIDED MEDITATION + PLAYSHEET Intuition Answers ASK YOUR BODY a 100% reliable source you can always use to receive accurate intuitive guidance DISCOVER HOW TO TAP INTO YOUR BODY’S INTUITION FOR ANSWERS TO EVERYTHING YOU SEEK! Kari Samuels Intuitive Counselor, Happiness Coach, Numerologist, & Energy Healer Kari is […]

Archangel Healing

FREE POWERFUL HEALING EVENT GET INSTANT ACCESS NOW! join me for this online healing event Join me for intention setting & healing with the Archangels… Healing WITH THE Archangels to Attract prosperity and love get instant access now! During this empowering event with the Archangels, you will experience… 01 An energy healing ritual with the […]

Meet Your Guardian Angel – Healing Meditation -FB

Meet Your Guardian Angels

JOIN MY NEWSLETTER AND RECEIVE THIS FREE GUIDED HEALING MEET YOUR Guardian Angels In this beautiful guided meditation, you are transported into a celestial realm with your guardian angels for healing and support. You’ll feel heavenly all day! Kari Samuels Intuitive Counselor, Happiness Coach, Numerologist, & Energy Healer Kari is an Intuitive Counselor and Happiness […]

Meet Your Guardian Angel – Healing Meditation

Meet Your Guardian Angels

JOIN MY NEWSLETTER AND RECEIVE THIS FREE GUIDED HEALING MEET YOUR Guardian Angels In this beautiful guided meditation, you are transported into a celestial realm with your guardian angels for healing and support. You’ll feel heavenly all day! Kari Samuels Intuitive Counselor, Happiness Coach, Numerologist, & Energy Healer Kari is an Intuitive Counselor and Happiness […]

Grounding Meditation Thank You – Special Offer Heal Your Aura with the Archangels

Your Grounding Meditation is on it’s way! In the meantime check out this special offer: If you would like assistance healing from negativity in your environment or your energy field, the Archangels can help you: Cut etheric cords between you and people, places and circumstances that have been keeping you stuck Release you from negative […]

Grounding Meditation

Grounding meditation

JOIN MY NEWSLETTER AND RECEIVE THIS FREE GUIDED HEALING Grounding Meditation GET CONNECTED TO THE EARTH In this guided meditation, you will calm and center your energy and connect with Mother Earth. With this guided grounding meditation, you can: Feel calm and connected Manifest more quickly Relieve anxiety & stress Receive intuitive guidance Yes! Send […]

Zodiac Signs

ASTROLOGY GUIDE Discover the gifts, talents, and traits of your astrology sign. (And learn what makes your loved-ones tick) wITH THIS GUIDE YOU WILL learn: The secret to your sign’s success and happiness Your deeper motivations for your desires and drives Your sign’s spiritual expression so you can fully express your purpose Kari Samuels Intuitive […]

Envision Your Future

envision your future

JOIN MY NEWSLETTER AND RECEIVE THIS FREE GUIDED HEALING Envision Your Future HIGHER SELF GUIDED MEDITATION WITH KARI SAMUELS In this guided healing journey you will: Connect with your Higher Self for clarity and direction Align with your truth so you can make the best decisions Receive guidance for your next steps to fulfill your […]

Heal Your Past with the Angels

Join my newsletter and recieve this free meditation Heal Your Past with the Angels Free Guided Meditation Let go of your karmic bonds with help from your angels. The Archangels will free you from negative emotional energy, so you can release your past and create a happy future. We may collect, use and process your […]