You will experience a soul-level energy clearing to heal your of past life money karma so you can finally receive the wealth and abundance you deserve.
In this powerful life-changing course you will:
- Discover how to create positive energy so you can attract more wealth with ease
- Free yourself from the need to work too hard and receive too little
- Heal your feelings of shame, guilt and stress around money
- Receive more love, comfort and support
- Release past life poverty vows that have been keeping you from prospering and thriving
For the next 30 minutes, get this at a special price.
MP3 Instant Download (80 minute AUDIO COURSE)
Take control of your emotions, protect your energy, and thrive in the life you deserve.
With daily repetition of these affirmations, you'll begin to see a shift in the way you think, feel, and act. You'll start to believe in yourself and your abilities, trust yourself and your decisions and feel more in control of your life.
Designed for your busy schedule!
You can listen anytime, anywhere. Incorporate them into your morning routine, listen to them during your commute, or play them before bed.
You can transform your mindset while you're on the go.

Transform your thoughts, heal your mind, and unlock your true potential with daily healing mantras for self-empowerment.

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