2022 Divination & Forecast
2022 Personal Year Numerology
2022 Month-By-Month Forecast
2022 Divination & Forecast
In this in-depth forecast, you will learn the major planetary influences of the year, as well as the numerology and tarot teachers that will guide you.
2022 Personal Year Numerology
In this forecast, you will learn how to harness the energies of the year so you can find more balance, harmony, and prosperity.
2022 Month-By-Month Forecast
In this detailed forecast, you will discover how to stay in alignment with the planetary cycles including the new and full moons, eclipses, and retrogrades. You can have divine timing to maximize the opportunities ahead instead of fighting against the currents of energy.
You’ll learn the spiritual lessons for each month, and the best times to plan for love, money, career, and success.