How to THRIVE as an empath

Create healthy boundaries. Claim your space.

Shine Your Light.

You have emotional intelligence that gifts you with a depth of wisdom and a capacity for deeply soulful connections.

Yet, if that gift has been denied or rejected, it can feel more like a curse than a blessing.


Your sensitivity can overwhelm you.

You can feel...

  • under-the-weather-brain-cloud-sad

    Burdened by the heaviness of the world

  • overwhelmed-fear-suprised-overwhelmed-brain-cloud

    Overwhelmed by a lack of boundaries

  • stress-fear-sickness-brain-cloud-stressing

    Overextended because you need to please others and be liked

  • thearphy-dialog-conversation-chat-bubbles

    A need to avoid conflict because criticism feels too painful

As much as you want to connect with other people,

you subconsciously shrink and hide your light.

You’ve been taught that if you want to be accepted and loved, you must suppress the spiritual gifts that make you unique.

You need to learn a new way of being.

I will teach you to remember how to tap into your innate spiritual gifts and tune into your inner wisdom.


Join Me…

for a six-week journey to reclaim your extra-sensory abilities…


During our six week journey together, you will learn to:

Here’s how your life can transform:


honoring your empathic gifts you:


reclaiming your extra-sensory superpowers:

Hide from the world because you feel different and misunderstood

Overgive and feel drained by others

Avoid conflict because you are afraid of criticism or rejection

Feel disconnected and misunderstood because you’re not like other people

Second guess your choices

Deflect compliments, money, and opportunities

Radiate confidence and joy, feeling connected, loved, and appreciated

Maintain healthy boundaries because you honor and respect your time and energy

Honor your feelings and express your needs because you know your immeasurable worth

Engage the world with joy and enthusiasm because you are proud of who you are

Listen to your finely-tuned intuition and consistently know what’s best for you

Allow yourself to receive love, money, prosperity, and blessings


honoring your empathic gifts you:

Hide from the world because you feel different and misunderstood

Overgive and feel drained by others

Avoid conflict because you are afraid of criticism or rejection

Feel disconnected and misunderstood because you’re not like other people

Second guess your choices

Deflect compliments, money, and opportunities


reclaiming your extra-sensory superpowers:

Radiate confidence and joy, feeling connected, loved, and appreciated

Maintain healthy boundaries because you honor and respect your time and energy

Honor your feelings and express your needs because you know your immeasurable worth

Engage the world with joy and enthusiasm because you are proud of who you are

Listen to your finely-tuned intuition and consistently know what’s best for you

Allow yourself to receive love, money, prosperity, and blessings

During our time together, you will receive:



Six 60-minute Live Group Masterclass and Healing Sessions with Kari

Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific (Recorded for you to keep forever)

Gain practical real-world skills for your magical being.

This is a dynamic, interactive experience. Kari will help you to tap into your unique spiritual gifts and heal the energetic and emotional blocks that have kept you from accessing your power. You will learn specific tools to channel your sensitivities for relationship harmony, intuitive clarity, and fulfilling your purpose. 

You will be guided to release unprocessed emotions that have kept you from expressing the fullness of who you are. You can have a renewed sense of purpose, passion, and joy, by living authentically and being the bright light you were born to be.


Q & A sessions

Six 60- minute Live Q&A and Group Intuitive Mentoring Sessions with Kari

Saturdays at 12pm Pacific. (Recorded for you to keep forever)

This is where the magic happens.

Connect with Kari for answers to your most pressing questions. Kari often calls on individuals to offer intuitive guidance and energy healing. Synchronicity abounds. Alchemy transpires. The answers and processes that occur are divinely guided to benefit the group. These experiences are transformative for everyone whether you attend live or via the recording.



Private online community for support

Always available for you, open 24 hours!

The collective healing power of connecting with like-minded souls is immeasurable.

This is NOT a FACEBOOK GROUP. This private online community is a safe space for you to disconnect from social media and connect with other kind-hearted souls sharing your journey free from judgment. You can express yourself authentically while supporting each other through challenges and triumphs.


Integration Exercises

The deep transformational practices you will experience each week need to be incorporated into your daily life. Each week, Kari will offer guidance for you to integrate your healing so you can continue to sustain your growth long after our time together.

Video Recordings of Each Session

Enjoy every session from the comfort of your home, or wherever you are in the world. You can access the wisdom and guidance of these sessions as many times as you wish. The recordings are yours to keep forever.

MP3 Audios of each Session

You can tune out the screen and tune into yourself. Listen with your eyes closed or on the go. You’ll have access to each session as an audio file for easy-peasy access.

PDF Transcripts of Each Session

In addition to the high-quality recordings, you’ll receive written transcriptions of each session. You can print them out to read and highlight your most memorable moments.

community &connection

You do not need to walk this path alone. You can make deep meaningful connections with like-minded souls. The people you meet in the online-community and on the calls can be your lifelong friends, colleagues, and companions. 


 Each time you refer to the exercises and lessons, you can deepen your understanding and embodiment of the practices. All the materials are online in the academy portal. You’ll have access to all the materials for life.

Enroll Now


*All calls are recorded for your convenience

Being Extraordinary

6 Week Empath Empowerment Mentorship
  • 6 Weekly Online Live Masterclasses with Kari
  • 6 Weekly Live Q & A Sessions with Kari
  • Private Online Support Community
  • Weekly Integration Exercises
  • Membership portal to access content

Being Extraordinary

6 Week Empath Empowerment Mentorship
  • 6 Weekly Online Live Masterclasses with Kari
  • 6 Weekly Live Q & A Sessions with Kari
  • Private Online Support Community
  • Weekly Integration Exercises
  • Membership portal to access content





Enrollment Closed

ENROLLMENT for this session has closed

Sign up to be notifed when the next mentorship opens.

Love Notes

“The insight whether she was talking to me directly or to someone else was so on point with my life and she gives great tools!"


“I have listened and been a part of all the Intuitive Group readings Kari has offered! I find that each session is different and yet completely relevant!”

- Katherin K.

My Story

Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach

For over twenty years I’ve helped empower people to align with their soul’s purpose. I’m a psychic and energy healer who has helped thousands of people around the world tap into their innate talents. I am known as the Happiness Coach. And yet, I spent the majority of my younger years being anxious, depressed, underemployed and struggling with health issues.

My life changed dramatically when I discovered my intuitive and empathic gifts. I received profound information from my inner and divine guidance which helped me understand the nature of the Universe. Through my experience doing intuitive readings as a professional, I received insights into how to navigate this expansive journey called life. Instead of feeling overwhelmed with emotions, I learned to use my sensitivity to guide myself and others toward fulfilling their destinies. I now recognize my empathic ability as an invaluable superpower. It is my life’s mission to use my gifts to help you discover yours.

My Story

Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach

For over twenty years I’ve helped empower people to align with their soul’s purpose. I’m a psychic and energy healer who has helped thousands of people around the world tap into their innate talents. I am known as the Happiness Coach. And yet, I spent the majority of my younger years being anxious, depressed, underemployed and struggling with health issues.

My life changed dramatically when I discovered my intuitive and empathic gifts. I received profound information from my inner and divine guidance which helped me understand the nature of the Universe. Through my experience doing intuitive readings as a professional, I received insights into how to navigate this expansive journey called life. Instead of feeling overwhelmed with emotions, I learned to use my sensitivity to guide myself and others toward fulfilling their destinies. I now recognize my empathic ability as an invaluable superpower. It is my life’s mission to use my gifts to help you discover yours.

As seen on...

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to the questions we receive the most.  
If we missed anything, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to help.

Every session is live! There will be a total of twelve live sessions over the course of six weeks. This is a truly interactive experience.

Your weekly masterclasses are on Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific.   Click here to find your local time.

Weekly Live Q & A Sessions are Saturdays at 12pm Pacific.  Click here to find your local time. 

You will receive a recording of all of the sessions. Whether you attend live or in person, you can receive the full benefit of the mentorship.

YES! During the live Q&As, Kari will answer questions that are submitted ahead of time as well as connect with live callers.

No, it’s not essential but I’ve put a lot of thought and intention in creating a safe and supportive space for you to connect with like spirited souls.  I hope you will join us but you will have access to all the content through my academy whether you join the community or not.

This is more powerful than a 1:1 session! These are group sessions with other people in the mentorship. Kari often calls on people during the live calls for personal intuitive guidance as a teaching tool for the group. Kari also answers many questions in the community forum. Kari no longer offers private sessions because she finds these group sessions more impactful.

YES! You can keep all thee videos, audios, and PDFs, and access them through your membership portal.

You can benefit from this mentorship regardless of whether or not you are an empath. You will learn valuable energy management skills and engage in guided healings that can help you feel more confident, embodied, and empowered.

Yes!  We are happy to be able to offer you a two payment option.  Just hit the button above that says ‘two payments’. 

We do have a limited number of scholarships available available for those in financial need and members of the BIPOC community.  Email us for more information

Love Notes

"I loved how she spoke of astrology, ancestral healing and so much more!"

“Kari, has such a loving heart that engulfs the listener. I loved how she spoke of astrology, ancestral healing and so much more. I have listened to her many lessons that she gives freely. I felt the group experience of Kari’s Intuitive Mentorship Session was very personal and was so relevant to my life”


"It always seems that whatever the theme of the call ends up being, it is exactly what I needed at that time!"

I love that other people’s calls raise new concepts and thoughts for me, but it is also amazing how relevant to me they also are. I’ve had Kari take my calls a couple of times, which has been so incredibly helpful to myself, but I love to see how others all resonate with it and also where it then leads the discussion. It always seems that whatever the theme of the call ends up being, it is exactly what I needed at that time!”

-Jenny R.

"I loved connecting with other people in the group!"

I loved connecting with other people in the group. I realized that some of us are having the same concerns and they can be shared and discussed. Kari gave us wonderful insights on how to handle these concerns with her healing and spiritual messages”

-lia s.

"We were all together in the group for a reason!"

“Today was amazing! I really learned a lot with the mini sessions. We were all together in the group for a reason! I’ll be there again tomorrow. I’m sure it will be a different dynamic with different people. I was able to break through a writing slowdown, and began to compose another part of a song that will end the show I’m working on. So thanks for the inspiration!”


I enjoyed the Intuitive Mentorship calls tremendously! Kari embodies such joy and positivity. I find that her meditations and prayers center me, fill me with optimism and a sense of peace and purpose.”


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