“The vows of silence and of poverty from childhood have lifted! These meditations and your work are so liberating and freeing for me.
I have a permanent crush on Archangel Michael. I will be practicing this daily! Thank you. As I called in Archangel Michael and breathed in I felt the energy shiver over my entire body. I had a major block concerning my worthiness of deserving luxurious things. I made the conscious choice that luxury just wasn’t meant for me, when it absolutely IS! I purchased a Mercedes and it was effortless, beautiful, magical. Like it just flowed.”

My experience with the 28-day Abundance Angels has helped and is still helping in every aspect of my life.
My mortgage company called me out of nowhere and reduced my APR with no fees or penalties or years added, just because they wanted to avoid losing my business. I was able to lease a new car for my son, so he could get to his college and work AND I got a new car for myself in the process, all within a tight budget being a single mom working two jobs to support my son and me. It helps me with stress and anxiety attacks, and I still listen every day. Calling in the Angels has made a huge difference in my life, and if you have anything similar to recommend- I’m in! – thank you again!

” After each recording I felt as though I could accomplish ANYTHING, anything at all. Reservations and enquiries for my country retreat have been pouring in ! My receipts are up is 52% up on same time last year !
It is wonderful to know we are so completely supported. I have saved all the recordings so that I can tune in to one or another of my angels whenever I feel the need. Life looks rosy at the moment!” Thank you Kari, You are sooooooooooooo uplifting! This course is perfect. Thank you”

Through the days I was using this program, I have added three new clients to my business. And all of my original clients have added multiple new jobs, creating a fun, yet productive work environment.
This program has taught me to be open to signs from the divine. Ive seen numbers in twos and three succession, I’ve had birds stop land on a branch right in front of me and sit staring at me for minutes, and I’ve had birds and animals make themselves noticeable for me. It makes me smile and confirms this sense of feeling love from my angels and loved ones that have passed. Thank you Kari for the bridge that led me to the divine. You are amazing.

Get the Calling In Your Abundance Angels Audio Program & Special Bonuses
Only $297 $111
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- 28 Days of Angel Messages Delivered to your inbox
- 28 Daily Manifesting Meditations and spiritual lessons
- Angel Inspired Affirmations with each message
- 4 Bonus Guided Meditations & Courses
- 3 PDF Guidebooks
- Lifetime Access to the program
Get the Calling In Your Abundance Angels Audio Program & Special Bonuses
Only $297 $111
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This is by far the best meditation series I have ever been a part of. There are so many reasons why, and I shall do my best to put it into words.
I started meditating about 2 years ago, I downloaded a meditation app where I learned to quieten my mind. I then did Oprah and Deepak’s meditation series. It was good, but it never really touched me, and I didn’t particularly look forward to doing it. Then I did your meditation series. Oh, my days! I swear your voice is a gift-it heals. I am mesmerized by it. I can follow you wherever you lead. I am filled with the feelings of your words. I had been blocked for weeks in writing content for my new business. A few days into your course and my courage had improved tenfold. I know working with Archangel Gabriel will improve that further. I really have been breathing in light and love and miracles-lovely!
You really are creating miracles. Thank you a million times over for sharing your incredible gift with us all.

“This amazing program has empowered me even more than I already am, given me more faith, strength and hope knowing that having already achieved so much in my life that I still have so much more to offer the world.
As a coach and mentor I look forward to guiding people to discover the best version of themselves so they can live through that person everyday for the rest of their lives. My light will shine brightly touching others so their light too will shine and in turn their light will envelop other souls and together we can unite the world one shining light at a time. This is my mission and I hope to share this cause with the world community.”
“Since doing the course, I found clarity on what my higher purpose is and what fears blocked me from getting there.
I am so grateful and excited I stumbled upon this course! Kari is such an inspiration. Her words opened another world to me that I had been seeking but didn’t know where to find. Calling upon my angels, Kari’s daily messages are so healing and motivating that by each end I am beaming! Her messages incorporate clear practical steps and inner work, along with divine guidance.
I immediately improved my clarity, helped me eliminate fear, and helped me identify my soul purpose. It also helped me get in touch with my personal calling, which is the most exciting thing of all! I strongly recommend supplementing the course with Manifesting the Moon, Healthy Boundaries and the Soul Purpose courses. These tools have changed the way I plan and see things!”

I’ve found my true purpose in life and feel empowered to fulfil my destiny. I can’t even describe how thankful I am!
You are doing excellent light work here, Kari! The Angels must love you for raising the awareness of their helping existence. This program found me at the right time when it was needed the most. Fantastic insight of the angels! Kari has a gorgeous voice, perfect for this job!
Doing these meditations has given me the confidence to go after my dreams and pursue my purpose with passion and vigor.
Kari, thank you so much for this wonderful course. I am so thrilled to have been blessed with the opportunity, and your timing was immaculate. Feeling so much happier and at peace since connecting with the Angels, thank you so much Kari for sharing with us Blessings 🙂
“The changes have started to set in .. So exciting and can’t wait to see where they take me

“My relationship with my wife is getting better, and we seem to compliment each other more often. We now communicate thoughtfully and more in a loving way.
These messages have realigned my thoughts with reality on thinking more positively. I find that my beliefs are supported with the love of true angels, releasing a lot of my stress. I can now accept the opinion of others and relate to the positive elements if any of what they are talking about. By choosing my words to communicate more lovingly, I MAKE SITUATIONS more pleasant.
Words have different meanings for different people and can cause many frictions. I think the moral of the story is to love one another right now. The angels have taught me how to communicate with love.”

I’ve never been so happy with an online program like this! I’ve never been into Angels – I didn’t know I could be. Furthermore, I would never expect that this experience would have such a lovely impact on my life.
All the audios are great healing lessons that set free different emotions. Life feels much easier now for me. I feel connected, loving, taken care of and as if there is always support available to me. The program touches many areas, that is why it is so valuable. It helped me to get rid of old emotions that did not serve me and also open myself to joy and love. Also, I manifested positive things in my life like truly unexpected discounts for example. I’m very curious what will happen next as I repeat to listen to the Angels.
It’s worth mentioning that Kari has a loving voice and is perfectly guiding through the journey. I could not get enough of her. All the material is easy to access and download. Every day I was waiting for the message in my inbox and immediately transferring it to my phone.
I would recommend it to anyone who is willing to feel happier and loving each day while healing wounds in a kind way.

The core of long-held trauma patterns that I’ve worked on for almost 30 years are now ready to leave my body and energy.
Connecting with the angels helped to prepare me for this. I’m feeling calm and centered as I continue on my healing journey, even in the midst of recalling traumatic details of my childhood. The extra support from the angels is amazing.
-Nancy Mae

I have experienced so much clarity mentally and spiritually. I feel more connected in the world. I welcome my fears with love.
I have lived in fear so many years. Having my own creative mind, I stayed in the box. I now have so many more opportunities. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything. I go back every night to refresh my assurance with my Angels.

I loved the Angel meditations so much! They were a wonderful bright spot in my day and helped me to get tough, a very stressful time.
I cannot recommend this enough, and best of all, you can listen to them again and again to experience angel healing and connection.

” I finally was able to give myself unconditional love for the first time, and it was wonderful. This has been my goal for so long, and it feels absolutely wonderful.
This program was perfect! I loved it, got so much out of it. I have used the meditations many times for releasing and just to go to when I needed to feel loved, as I would always visualize my dog Sandy being there. (She passed in 2006). Thank you for being one of my Earth Angels.”
From as early as the first week of this course, I began to see positive changes and opportunities show up in my life!
I am truly thankful to have been a part of this course. Each meditation is a gift, and I have learned how close the angels are, and how easy it is to call to them. And most importantly, how delightful events happen when I do call upon the angels.
At times painful emotions have come up for healing, but I know this makes me stronger and clearer so that I can give my gift more freely. At the recent full-moon I decided to start the course again, from the very beginning and journal all the events that arise, and every day so far, there have been significant things to record! Thank you, thank you, thank you for this priceless opportunity!!

“The very best, sweetest, most inspiring online course ever. My mood changed from inner struggle and insecurity to hope, ease and joy.
My relationships switched like magic and I can see things under a different light, the light of the Divine. Life does get lighter and with the tools and meditations given in the course. You get stronger and more confident, knowing you can rely on the divine assistance of the Angels, everywhere you are.You, indeed can feel the loving presence of the Angels and foremost the warm caring, highly vibrational dedication and love Kari has put in this course.
This experience of Calling In Your Abundance Angels was MORE THAN AMAZING, FANTASTIC, BEAUTIFUL and every other word in the dictionary.
Every single day, I experienced a different feeling but always and consistently during and afterwards a loving feeling stronger than I have ever had before, I’ve felt tons lifted off my shoulders, I would sometimes cry, laugh, have a huge smile on my face.
I LOVE THIS COURSE!!! It has brought so many blessings into my life. I’m so grateful.

I am going through a very stressful time right now, and doing this in the morning and at night really help me to stay focused during the day.
Along with my daily quiet time, this brought a lot of relief to my life, knowing that there were angels there to help to guide me even if I couldn’t see or feel them there. I am eagerly awaiting to do this again and again. I thought that Kari did a great job presenting the material.
I am grateful and feel blessed to have come across such a powerful, profound, beautiful course. Words can’t express how delighted I feel.
This course has become a ritual of my everyday life. The reason being, it did change my life forever in a loving, peaceful way. I finally found the calm and peace I needed in my life. I found myself again. It was a real awakening to life. Nothing is more powerful and beautiful than connecting with Archangels. In the world of soul there is always a deep desire and longing for the visible form and Kari did bring this with her beautiful passionate dedicated work.

Feeling the deep love of the Angels is transforming me, making me feel I deserve love and that life can be easy and full of joy.
I am very thankful that I found this program. To be honest, at the beginning I was not very sure that the Angels were real but now, what can I say? Wow! I can feel their amazing, beautiful energy helping me when I ask for it. This is the main challenge for me, asking for help, and this year I’m learning how beautiful life can be when you let the Angels and also people help you. I grew up in a dysfunctional family, so I learned nobody could help me, which led me to spend a very lonely life, being independent and fighting to be strong but crying a lot.
When I started this program, I had an awful teaching job, which made me aggressive and stressed me out. Then, I decided that enough was enough, and I quit. The Angels helped me to be clear with my boss and protect me from the negativity of that environment until I could leave that place. The day I quit, I experienced tremendous freedom, which was one of the things I asked for I wanted in my life. I started to travel and making new plans for my life.
I am infinitely thankful for this opportunity to heal past wounds. I can feel my roots now, and this is important to grow healthy. Thank you so much, Kari, for letting us grow in this wonderful way. Blessings, love and joy.
During this process, I have released many hurts that needed to be set free. When Archangel Michael wrapped me in his wings and cut through the layers and layers of my pain, with his sword, I purged out a tremendous amount of grief. I felt his compassion.
I have learned many new approaches to a happier and more abundant life. Before, I thought that I would be taking away from others if I asked the Archangels for help. I now understand they are available to everyone at anytime. This makes me smile.
This past month with our Abundance Angels has helped me overcome much sadness that was lingering in my being. I do see myself repeating this 28-day process. I want to be the best I can be for myself and others. Furthermore, I look forward to using your beautiful affirmations in my future! Thanks so very much, Kari, for helping me reach our Archangels of Abundance. . . Miracles be abundant always.

“A major medical healing, change of attitude, plus the creative push needed to pursue my dreams, career and personal opportunities, and more!
I was introduced to the 28 Days of Miracles when I needed some personal healing. At that time, doctors had just discovered a mass in my pelvis, but I wouldn’t know details on the severity until I completed an MRI. Well, as the Universe would have it, Kari just happened to be kicking off her 28 Days of Miracles program, so naturally I took it as a sign.
Throughout the program, I experienced emotional healings, learned things about myself, discovered the benefits of a daily meditation practice, and so much more. When I finally had my MRI (about 30 days later), I learned the mass “disappeared” and I was in great health once again. What’s more, since participating in the 28 Days of Miracles series, I developed the courage to quit my corporate job and pursue my childhood dreams. I’m the happiest I have been in my entire life, and I can’t thank Kari enough for initiating me on this wonderful journey!”

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- 28 Days of Angel Messages Delivered to your inbox
- 28 Daily Manifesting Meditations and spiritual lessons
- Angel Inspired Affirmations with each message
- 4 Bonus Guided Meditations & Courses
- 3 PDF Guidebooks
- Lifetime Access to the program
Get the Calling In Your Abundance Angels Audio Program & Special Bonuses
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Oh Magical Kari, having you and the Archangels in my life, is making the world of difference.
Thank you. I haven’t ever been introduced to our Archangels before, at least, not in a way that has impacted on my life the way my experience with the Abundance Angels has. I’m only on Day 13, and already life is brighter, more joyous, more loving, more kind, more abundant, more caring, just more, more, more everything!
Never have I actually been able to experience the sensation of support and protection moment upon moment, as I do now. Your love and their love make everything so much more pleasurable, and easier to navigate. I Love Angels, and I thank you for being and sharing yourself with all of us.
There is a knowingness the angels bring with them that settles deep in my heart, and has given me the power to overcome silly moods or insecurities. It’s extremely empowering knowing, and I mean, really knowing, that you are safe and NEVER alone.

I have been in a few situations recently where I could feel myself go into myself with shyness and lack of confidence, then I just thought about my angel readings and boom I am back in the room so to speak full of confidence and assertiveness!
I consider myself a positive thinker, but I have feared, which I think blocks me sometimes. This has helped me deal with the fear and believe more that the future is bright and that it is in the hands of my mind to make it happen through positive thoughts which ultimately drive positive actions. I truly loved this program and plan to start from Day 1 again and just run through it day by day, so I learn to manifest these thoughts as part of my daily thinking.
I loved this experience so much! I felt so protected by using the meditations regularly. They really relaxed me and allowed me to grow my confidence.
I got so much clarity with this program. It was so reassuring and peaceful to get a new meditation every day. They were so beautiful and relaxed me immediately. I could actually feel sensations throughout my body as I listened to them and felt the presence of the archangels. I felt quite comforted by the meditations, and they allowed me to handle stressful situations with ease and support.

“WOW. I am allowing myself to shine more and not be afraid of people seeing this! That is just so freeing.
This was just so wonderful and connecting for me with my heart chakra and the Divine. I feel lifted, energized. I love how I feel so natural in the experience! I don’t feel alone. I feel a deeper connection with who I am and comfortable experiencing that. I physically feel changes happening within me, including my brain. I feel I have nothing to be afraid of. I love being more in my heart. Thank You, Kari, for bringing this work into the world.”
I almost feel rebellious now when I’m around negative people….like, “You aren’t going to get me down, no matter how hard you try!”
This daily practice is helping me start each day with higher vibrations of joy, love and certainty! Now, wherever I go, I am choosing to take MY beautiful positive energy out into the world, the sensitive ones and the more challenging ones. Such a gift!

I loved that the program was geared for sensitives! It made me feel so connected, out of the shadows of being “woo woo” and into the light of a larger, divine oneness.
I feel more supported in divine light and more like I am being held through change. I also feel much more confident in who I am! I got really clear the other day that Archangel Michael isn’t basing my confidence on any evidence or reason, simply connecting me to my inherent confidence. I feel like we peeled back so many layers.
Now, I am able to connect with my higher self with the help of Archangel Raphael. I feel so grateful to Kari for creating meditations for sensitives to connect with source energy.
By the end, I wasn’t ready for it to be done. And yet, the celebration day was so joyous! I love that I can do it again and continue to connect with the Archangels at anytime
Erin Brown


- 28 Days of Angel Messages Delivered to your inbox
- 28 Daily Manifesting Meditations and spiritual lessons
- Angel Inspired Affirmations with each message
- 4 Bonus Guided Meditations & Courses
- 3 PDF Guidebooks
- Lifetime Access to the program
Get the Calling In Your Abundance Angels Audio Program & Special Bonuses
Only $297 $111
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“Really amazing! My sweet son loves the angels too. As a solo momma and an online entrepreneur, it makes me feel so much more supported, guided, and protected.
Kari, I have been doing your meditations every morning for the past few moon cycles, and honestly, I am addicted – I feel off and uncentered whenever I miss doing one that day. My 4-year-old has sometimes been watching me or joining me occasionally, mostly just comes and holds my hand while mum is having her ‘Shush minute’ as I refer to it. I usually do it much earlier in the morning before he wakes up, except on the weekends and holidays.
Well, today was one of those mornings that I slept in and was having my ‘shush minute’ after he had already got out of bed. I started it, but I really didn’t have time to finish it in time to get him to school, so I paused it and planned on finishing it after I came back home. So, I went to the other room to get ready, and when I came back to my closet my little guy was sitting in my chair with his eyes closed and doing your Angel meditation – he listened to your prompts to breathe deeply, and he sat all the way to the end.
My heart skipped beats, and beat louder & stronger than ever before – all at the same time. My eyes teared. Tears of such joy & happiness. He was pure peace.
Thank you for your amazing soul & the beautiful work you bring & share with the world. What a gift it is to receive. And to share with the world. Thank you again for sharing this work with all of us ‘children’ of the Earth. In peace & love, xo (PS…..I cried again while typing this up, lol!)”

It’s been so magical to see how the angels have been helping my children.
The angels have been helping me and my family in awesome ways! My kids will ask me, “if I have a problem with falling asleep, which angel should I ask for help?” I LOVE that they are thinking about asking for angelic help, and I LOVE that the angels help them through sticky portions of their day. I used to put a “protection bubble” around them before school.
NOW, I tell them how much more powerful it is if they let their lights shine bright because the angels are there to help them shine all day. It has made them confident and brighter. And for me, the angels have been helping me with FEELING relaxed in my body.
-Cara Davis Bidwell

I have become so much more attuned to the light and blessings all around me, and I am certain that the signs and synchronicities I now receive daily are guiding me towards my higher purpose.
Kari’s Calling in Your Abundance Angels course is truly out of this world! I found myself looking forward to receiving the daily recordings and to meet all the different Angel guides.
Kari intuitively channels the perfect topic at the time you most need to hear that divine guidance. The messages are heartfelt, inspiring and uplifting, it feels so intimate like Kari and your very own angelic guide are right there with you in the room.
Thank you, Kari, for sharing your magical blessing.

“This was a very grounding, releasing, empowering, focused, and healing 28 days. It deepened my understanding of and connection to my higher guidance.
It reinforced the wisdom of connecting with the Angels and me throughout my days. Very well done! Now, I move in the flow rather than against it. I have a greater sense of strength, joy and support.”

Going through this 28-Day Journey has brought great revelation that I could never find in other path sources such as religion and tradition.
Not many people understand there is a difference between spirituality vs religion/tradition. This 28-Day Journey has given me confirmation after confirmation. I have been abundantly blessed every single day!

“These past 28 days have been the best moments of my life. I love to feel connected with the Archangels, the sense of belonging to the source. I now call upon them for their support in my daily life.
How unaware I was of their abundance and their powers. I am grateful and thankful. My life will never be the same.I know that I am not alone. I feel connected with the above. Therefore My outlook on life will never be the same. It can only be positive and abundant.”
The most awesome course I have ever done!
Thank you, Kari, for your knowledge, wisdom and love in sharing this with me and others. I am going to repeat this course every day as my morning meditation ritual. My search for knowledge and truth completed when you provided this course. It gives me everything I need, so now my email inbox is not so full. The best part, it’s only 10 minutes a day, so I can enjoy and participate in life more fully!
More clarity, purpose, happiness, trust and love!

“This course surpassed my expectations. I have always felt an affinity with angels, but now I feel a connection.
My other metaphysical instructors have all mentioned just how amazingly bright I’ve been the past few weeks. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this audio course, though I have always felt a connection with Kari.
Her voice is so reassuring, confident and filled with love and support. And that is exactly what I got from this course. I don’t feel we are alone, and this program helped me truly confirm this feeling. If they say that the first step in spiritual enlightenment is to give up your attachment to reality, then this program helped me see and feel things that the rationale mind would rather turn a blind eye to.”
The best investment I have ever made in my life! This was the missing link to my soul-searching.
I have been able to learn to TRUST the universal life force because of these guided meditations. Kari, I am a HUGE fan of you!! Your voice, your intuition, your guidance to connect to Higher realms of consciousness have completely changed my heart and mind! Your signature sign-off…”have a beautiful day and delight in making miracles happen is programmed into my subconscious!
I will continue to replay one every day. They are perfect because they are short enough to squeeze into my busy mother morning routine. I feel pure joy after I’ve listened, and I’m grounded for the day. Thank you, from the most sacred space in my heart!! Lots of love:)

Having a guided sacred space for the 28 days was a magical experience for me.
The energy I could feel not only whilst listening to the audios but throughout the rest of the day and evening was so powerful and beautiful, I would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking to connect on a deeper level. Aside from the power and transformations I felt listening to the audios, your voice is so beautiful and comforting I really enjoyed the whole experience thank you so much Kari 🙂
“If you are interested in attracting abundance through the support of the archangels, Calling in Your Abundance Angels” was such a gift!
The meditations were the perfect length – short and sweet, but powerful and centering. I highly recommend this course! In just a few minutes a day, you will feel protected and guided by Kari’s meditations and wisdom, just as I was!

Kari, you are a Magnificent Angel Light Worker with your gift of guiding me through these 28 days explaining of each of our Angels was such a great enlightenment for me. I knew of these Angels but was not aware of how beautifully simple it is to call them in to guide and help. It could not have been in any more Perfect timing for me.

My days are brighter, and now I can connect with my angels on a more personal level. I’m more optimistic and hopeful. I have peace and my life is getting better each day.
This has made me more connected with the divine. It’s a lot easier to just talk with my angels, who are very helpful and loving!”

This was such a wonderful experience. Powerful and soft at the same time.
Kari has a real gift to bring the Angels to us and to learn us how we can connect and communicate with them. I love it so much that your lessons are deep, short and juicy. This is the first course ever that I finished without any delay.

I highly recommend this program for anyone ready to go deeper in their relationship with the angels. This has been a sheer delight.
Though much incorporates exercises I have done and taught over the years, bringing in the angels to assist was unique and brought a richness to them that amplified my experience. Kari has a soothing, almost kindergarten teacher quality, voice that makes it easy to listen to. The meditations and lessons are under 15 minutes, which is totally doable if you’re willing to do them.
This program totally exceeded my highest expectations and my life has changed in the most delightful, miraculous ways.
I can’t thank you enough for the wonderfully nourishing, loving experiences this series has created in my life. Thank you, Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel – it has been wonderful welcoming you into my life and getting to know each of you better. Infinite love and blessings.
The way you described the Archangels and created the experience was really great and only served to enhance my relationship with them, by really helping me to connect with them in ways I had not done before. For me, the course was and is perfect.

This has been absolutely wonderful in ways to connect with the Archangels and their specific help.
I will continue to use the meditations – they are such an “upper” to make that exceptional connection, and then go on with the day feeling so close. Thanks so much for putting this together, Kari. I am absolutely Abundant!!
“My life has changed so much and continues to do so. I now experience love, light and laughter. The world and its universe have an abundance of goodness. The daily tasks that are in my life used to be impossible and now are very achievable.
My body resonates and my palms pulse every time I meditate with these angels and brings me closer to God. I was not really a believer before. My strength and courage and healing are much stronger now.”

What a gift it has been to journey alongside the angels this past month. I have been releasing my home for 14 years. Your love, wisdom and generosity came through as a healing respite from the anxiety of the unknowns. I loved waking up to the meditations each morning as a foundation for getting grounded and to work with the angels throughout the day.
Even though I have no idea where we will call home next, I feel prosperous in my heart knowing I can call on the archangels anytime ;-).

Get the Calling In Your Abundance Angels Audio Program & Special Bonuses
Only $297 $111
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- 28 Days of Angel Messages Delivered to your inbox
- 28 Daily Manifesting Meditations and spiritual lessons
- Angel Inspired Affirmations with each message
- 4 Bonus Guided Meditations & Courses
- 3 PDF Guidebooks
- Lifetime Access to the program
Get the Calling In Your Abundance Angels Audio Program & Special Bonuses
Only $297 $111
Save $197 for a limited time
This is the most awesome program I have been privileged to use!
When I purchased this little did I know how amazing it would be. It is definitely THE Gift from the Angels.
I truly had a wonderful experience from this 28 Day teaching. Really inspiring. I am now more enlightened on the powers of the Angels and my power to call upon them whenever I feel the need to. Makes me feel like I have my own army at my beck and call. I am calmer more patient, and just blissfully happy to have my angels when I need them. Thanks a billion, Kari!
Rosemary Brereton

Oh, My Angels! I have never experienced anything like this before! I am seeing and experiencing positive results in so many areas of my life.
I am obsessed with this program in such a way that I listen to it even when I go for a walk. I come back home, always feeling ten pounds lighter. Thank you so much, Kari. Your voice is so soothing and calming. You sound and feel like an angel, the only difference is that you are visible. Can I call you visible archangel Kari?
I await the angel message of the day with a lot of enthusiasm because I feel a sense of peace and harmony. I was in a really dangerous situation and just got out of it within a second by following my intuition. I do believe I was surrounded by my archangels, lead by archangel Michael. I am so thankful for the timely intervention. Thank you, once again, and keep up the good work.
Each recording seems to come to me at EXACTLY the time I need it. The meditations are so clear and your voice is just perfect. The messages are concise and beautiful and each time, dependably, tell me what I need to hear and teach me what I need to learn. When I feel I’m veering off the path a little, I listen to a recording, and it’s like magic! I feel realigned and in momentum again. I cannot thank you enough for this, it has been beyond incredible.

“I absolutely LOVE this program! Before I started listening to the angel activations, I was really stressed out.
My energy was lagging and my creativity well had been dried up for a while. After listening to the recordings, I felt a great shift. My spirits are lifted and my “to-do” list doesn’t feel like a chore anymore. I wake up excited to check my inbox and look for the message and audio track of the day from you and the angels! I also enjoyed working with 4 different angels and experiencing their unique energy. My life has changed in very positive ways. I LOVE it!”
“I have been ready for some changes for a while and following your guidance and doing your meditations has given me the confidence to go after my dreams of working on my purpose with passion and vigour.
I am so thrilled to have been blessed with the opportunity and your timing was immaculate. Feeling so much happier and at peace since connecting with the Angels Thank you so much Kari for sharing with us Blessings 🙂 It’s so exciting and can’t wait to see where these changes take me”

This was one of the best programs I have ever worked with. It was perfect and powerful.
Now I’m more free, I’m more patient, more confident, I express more love. Just amazing.

This course was just amazing! It certainly was a magical experience, bringing even more abundance and clarity to my life.
I’d never really connected with the energies of Angels before, but with Kari’s beautiful, soft voice guiding the meditations, the experience was powerfully relaxing and energizing at the same time.
Each week, meeting a new Archangel and experiencing their gifts and presence – the program was easy to fit into my day, just needing 10 minutes each day – Thank you, Kari!!
“It’s been the best month of my life! I am in a happier place than ever before. This month has been incredible thanks to listening to these recordings.
New job opportunities have been coming in, I feel inspired about future study prospects, lots of amazing coincidences have been happening, The best thing of all is I have a new love interest on the horizon 🙂 Thank you so much.”
I feel that there has been an energy shift within me that I can now begin to accomplish many things that have eluded me in recent years.
Life had become a real struggle in many ways and I sense that there are now ways forward that I could not see before and that what I do is worthwhile, and my creativity appreciated again.
What was fascinating about the journey was that each day presented me with exactly what was needed at that time! The different energies of the angels was pronounced, and I loved feeling them with me. They have even come occasionally without my (knowingly) having asked during this time. I am grateful I can use these meditations over and over again!
-Sue Wingate